I received a call from a young man who wanted to know if I could help him with a personal problem he was very ashamed about. He told me that it was a massive problem with men and no-one talked about it and he didn’t know what to do. PORN.
He had tried to stop through will-power, but he kept getting dragged back in. He had a girlfriend and it was spoiling his relationship with her. He was ashamed and he was desperate.
Boys are having their sexuality formed by the internet. Maybe in ways that they don’t want. Maybe in ways that harm their relationships with women or make it difficult for them to relate to women in a respectful way.
I am not a sex therapist and I am not an expert on porn. However I am an expert on helping people get rid of addictions and habits and patterns of thinking and behaving that they want to be free of.
So I now offer a ‘quit’ session for porn. I deal with it in exactly the same way as I deal with as any other addiction or unwanted habit. It costs £150 which is the same amount as any other quit session I offer.
I don’t ask what you’re watching. I don't want to know and I'm sure you don't want to tell me. But, I don’t judge either. It is just a habit.
I can help you stop just like I help so many other people break habits they are sick of, habits that are damaging their lives, their self-esteem and their relationships.
If you’re sick of it, if it’s damaging your self-respect and your ability to build a good relationship with a real person, if it’s not who you want to be, just get in touch - I can help.